Wedding Wednesday - Eric & Stephanie

Post by Diana

Sometimes our fondest memories are wedding celebrations in which the union barely made it to the first anniversary (appropriately enough paper--as in divorce paper). These photos are such an occasion. Firstly, I want to say that the bride went on to make a lovely and happy second marriage and the groom did alright for himself as far as we know. Those were his little girls who were the flower girls and he was a great dad. That's him surrounded by all the Laura Ashley Girls. 

Yes, it was that crowd. The crowd of women who single-handedly ran the 57th Street flagship store of Laura Ashley in NYC back in its heyday, before Sir Bernard Ashley remarried and Pat Robertson (yes, he of the 700 Club fame) was elected Chairman of the Board making things go down the Sweat Pea drain. Laura Ashley #1 Perfume goes for like $125 a bottle on Ebay because there was a fight over the formula and they don't make it anymore. It was all of our favorites. But I digress. 

Notice Jennifer's level of commitment to gracious living by wearing gloves. Notice my even greater level of commitment by wearing gloves and a hat (thanks to Kim Yerlow for the loan. Although it did look better on her she allowed me to have it for the day).  The nuptials were held in Concord, MA on a private estate. The last photo was of me wrangling the flower girls and ring bearer. I let the little boy hold my Canon point and shoot. Not bad for an 18 month-old. Yes, the foreground is slightly out of focus but the altar events are spot on. As I said, it didn't last but the time that we had together that night under the stars was magical and we all still talk about to this day. Except the bride and groom.


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