Allen is Perplexed by Women's Prerogative to be Inexplicably Annoyed
A Day in the Life: February 9th
(Aged 14)
Wea. Snowy SUN. FEB. 9, 1896 Ther. 26
The snow is drifted in some places it is 3 ft + in some 6”
(Aged 16)
Wea. Cloudy WED. FEB. 9, 1898 Ther. 36
Went to school rode both ways with Leon Page. In evening Frank Quaint +May Walters + Lilian Towns were here to have some papers drew up. Ma went over to Nettie Hunts to a social. Chas Slater went to a party down to Claus Bensons.
(Aged 17)
Wea. THUR. FEB. 9, 1899 Ther.
Drove horse + cutter to school it is awful windy + cold. Ma says its the coldest day we have had this winter. Got a check for pa from the basket factory.
Bessie is going with me tomorrow eve.
Thermometer is 14 below zero.
(Aged 18)
Wea. FRI. FEB. 9, 1900 Ther.
Worked some. In eve took Alice Warn to a surprise party on Leon Page had a fine time there was about 45 present. Alice got mad at me for some reason and said she wouldn’t go anywhere.
(Aged 19)
Wea. SAT. FEB. 9, 1901 Ther.
Pa + Ma went to town in A.M. and I did chores. In P.M. drew wood and also took a load over to Grandma’s. Alice hurried me all day.
(Aged 20)
Wea. SUN. FEB. 9, 1902 Ther.
Took Ruth home. In eve Earle Stevens left.
(Aged 21)
Wea. MON. FEB. 9, 1903 Ther.
We came home in A.M. and I slept in the P.M. Dave drew up a load of logs to Irwin Co(?) mill.
(Aged 22)
Wea. TUE. FEB. 9, 1904 Ther.
NO ENTRY MADE - The journal entries end here for 1904.
Editor's Note: So Bessie agrees to the go to the party with Allen after letting him sweat about it for 24 hours but clearly that romance does not take off like it does with Alice Warn the following year.
Alice knows how to get Allen's attention by throwing a wee tantrum confusing him but at the same time successfully making him realize how much her good opinion matters to him or it wouldn't have been noted in his journal. Crafty.
Oh, who knows? Do we think Allen was flirting with other girls and making Alice cross? Some how I feel Alice was at least feeling slighted even if she wasn't. By now they have been dating a month and it seems like they are becoming exclusive. In fact, this event could have been their moment of crisis so to speak. Maybe it lead directly into the "Well, what do you want out of this relationship?" talk. Allen did summarizes by saying they had a fine time so we don't know if she let him take her home in the end. Very funny and sweet. She does get her man and just one year later is hurrying him along.
(Aged 14)
Wea. Snowy SUN. FEB. 9, 1896 Ther. 26
The snow is drifted in some places it is 3 ft + in some 6”
(Aged 16)
Wea. Cloudy WED. FEB. 9, 1898 Ther. 36
Went to school rode both ways with Leon Page. In evening Frank Quaint +May Walters + Lilian Towns were here to have some papers drew up. Ma went over to Nettie Hunts to a social. Chas Slater went to a party down to Claus Bensons.
(Aged 17)
Wea. THUR. FEB. 9, 1899 Ther.
Drove horse + cutter to school it is awful windy + cold. Ma says its the coldest day we have had this winter. Got a check for pa from the basket factory.
Bessie is going with me tomorrow eve.
Thermometer is 14 below zero.
(Aged 18)
Wea. FRI. FEB. 9, 1900 Ther.
Lone Pine (where Grandma lived in 1900) just down the road from the Page Farm. |
(Aged 19)
Wea. SAT. FEB. 9, 1901 Ther.
Pa + Ma went to town in A.M. and I did chores. In P.M. drew wood and also took a load over to Grandma’s. Alice hurried me all day.
(Aged 20)
Wea. SUN. FEB. 9, 1902 Ther.
Took Ruth home. In eve Earle Stevens left.
(Aged 21)
Wea. MON. FEB. 9, 1903 Ther.
We came home in A.M. and I slept in the P.M. Dave drew up a load of logs to Irwin Co(?) mill.
(Aged 22)
Wea. TUE. FEB. 9, 1904 Ther.
NO ENTRY MADE - The journal entries end here for 1904.
Editor's Note: So Bessie agrees to the go to the party with Allen after letting him sweat about it for 24 hours but clearly that romance does not take off like it does with Alice Warn the following year.
Alice knows how to get Allen's attention by throwing a wee tantrum confusing him but at the same time successfully making him realize how much her good opinion matters to him or it wouldn't have been noted in his journal. Crafty.
Oh, who knows? Do we think Allen was flirting with other girls and making Alice cross? Some how I feel Alice was at least feeling slighted even if she wasn't. By now they have been dating a month and it seems like they are becoming exclusive. In fact, this event could have been their moment of crisis so to speak. Maybe it lead directly into the "Well, what do you want out of this relationship?" talk. Allen did summarizes by saying they had a fine time so we don't know if she let him take her home in the end. Very funny and sweet. She does get her man and just one year later is hurrying him along.
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