The Wheel of the Year

Different Voices: Different Years

Frank m. Nora
                  Allen m. Alice                                                                          Rollin m. Esther   
                    1. Willard (m. Florence)                                                            1. Phyllis
                    2.  Dorothy
                    3.  Morris & (twin died in infancy, Marvin)
                    4.  Mabel (m. Stuart)
                    5.  Ruth  (m. Jack)
                    6.  Allen (aka Fell) dated Eleanor

Alice Warn Cass (1880-1936)

Wednesday, January 1, 1913

Ground buckwheat and took washing down to Mrs. Haley.  Frank and Morris came over in the morning. Allen came in with the New Year after being gone for four days.

Paid Gene Odell $1.00 for cutting wood

Monday January 1, 1934

Mild in the morning but cold at night.  Stayed home all day.  Rollie & Esther called.  in the evening we all visited.  Fell & Eleanor were here.

Tuesday, January 1, 1935

It has snowed all day.   Last night Earnest Bennett's house burned up in Fentonville.  We laid around all day and rested.

Wednesday, January 1, 1936

The sun shone all day.  Fell got home abut one o'clock.  Rollie & Phyllis came over.  Dot came over and swept for me.  Fell wen to the Nordus Club dinner and dance with Florence & Willard.


Nora Babcock Cass (1856-1932)

Wednesday January 1, 1879

"Happy New Year"  I spent the day at sister Emma's .  Frank came after me.  Had a fine ride back to school.  Stayed at his house all night .  My resolution is to do just as nearly right as possible with Jesus as my helper.  N.B.


Frank Smith Cass (1851-1932)

Sunday December 31, 1916

Ed Harrington lost his best horse, it got kicked and had to kill it.

Monday January 1, 1917

Nora and I went up to Joel Harrington's and visited with them and Mr. Maret's (?) folks.

Monday January 1, 1923     

Allen's folks were all here.  Carl Anderson and Dorothy, and Mary Dalrymple.

Tuesday January 1, 1924

A very stormy day did not do much.  Mrs. Ella Bingham was buried.

Thursday January 1, 1925

I was sick most all night.  Rollie went to a party below Fentonville.

Friday January 1, 1926

Willard was here a while in the morning.  Rollie came and stayed all night.  He is working at Dunkirk.

Saturday January 1, 1927

Rollie, Esther, Frank & Gunner & the Doctor were here.

Sunday  January 1, 1928

We all went to church.  Rollie came and stayed with us in the afternoon.
Tuesday January 1, 1929

We all stayed at home.  Ruth Nora came and stayed a little while towards evening.
Wednesday January 1, 1930

We all stayed at home.  Allen, Alice, Rollie, Esther, Phyllis and Ruth Nora were here a while.  Allen & Alice are thinking of going to Florida.

Thursday January 1, 1931

It snowed some.  I have a hard cold.  Rollie & Esther & Phyllis called a little while.
Friday January 1, 1932

Rollie & I went up to Mr. Davis's to see his cattle.


Meanwhile, up the road a piece in Worksburg (Falconer) another side of the family...

Alice Phetteplace Lucas (1846-1913)

Monday January 1, 1866

 Cloudy day and cold.  Emma went to town.  Finished our dresses.  Went to Sinclairville in the afternoon at 4 o'clock.  Got home at past ? in the morning.  Had a very good time. 


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