Svenska Flicka

Yesterday I remembered my 6th grade report on Sweden.  What I failed to mention is that I presented it in costume thanks to Mabel.  Grandma had actually made Diana and me Swedish costumes to greet King Carl Gustaf in when he visited Jamestown, NY in the mid 70s.  Sadly, bad weather rerouted his plane and I think he landed in Buffalo instead and drove down.   We left the airport dejected feeling we missed our chance to see him.  However, Gram listened to the radio for his movements and realized if we rushed we could see him downtown.  It was too late to get our costumes back on but we did glimpse the King going into a building and were suitably thrilled.

"I am about to make authentic costumes for Smaland and am anxious to purchase a copy of the book and to purchase a copy of the book and also learn of any other sources which will help me so that I am accurate."

Letter from Mabel to the Swedish Information Services



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