Saturday/Sunday Smiles

Since starting the Checkered Chicken, Diana and I have been extremely fortunate to reconnect and strengthen our relationships with many loved relatives but we have also had the extreme good luck to meet new ones who share our interest in genealogy and have shared their stories with us.  Patsy Eccles is one such cousin.  She and I connected on and found we are direct descendants of Judd and Diantha Cass.  Her great-grandmother is Frank Cass' sister Mary known from Allen's diaries as Aunt May who is married to "Unkle" Gib Eccles.  We found out Patsy and Diana live in the same state and the opportunity presented itself for them to meet.  I wish I'd been there too!

Diana Lucas Leavengood and Patsy Eccles holding a picture of Mary Cass Eccles


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