Many Happy Returns!
A Day in the Life: March 25th
(Aged 14)
Wea. Clear WED. MARCH 25, 1896 Ther. 34
Went to school. Bought me a physiology traded my Geography + 15cents which pa gave me.
(Aged 16)
Wea. Sunny FRI. MARCH 25, 1898 Ther.
Went to school had examination in Physiology and Geography. In evening Clarence Cowan and his wife were down to hire some money.
(Aged 17)
Wea. SAT. MARCH 25, 1899 Ther.
I siruped (sic) off what was boiled down yesterday before breakfast. Pa went to the burg + brought me up a letter from Verna White. I went to Kennedy and got my boots fixed.
(Aged 18)
Wea. SUN. MARCH 25, 1900 Ther.
Stayed at home all day only took grandma over some sirup (sic). Pa, Ma, + Rollie went to S.S. at Ivory. In eve Alice and I took a ride got home at 11.30 had a fine time. Got a letter from Cassie Conners.
(Aged 19)
Wea. MON. MARCH 25, 1901 Ther.
(Aged 20)
Wea. TUE. MARCH 25, 1902 Ther.
Went to factory. Gail plowed, drew a load of sawdust and a load of manure.
(Aged 21)
Wea. WED. MARCH 25, 1903 Ther.
Editor's Note: Is hiring money a loan? I can't think of what else it could be.
Today is the birthday of our cousin Phyllis! The other day she told me a funny story of an entry in Frank Cass' journal from the year she was born. In effect it said "Rollie and Esther had a baby girl named Phyllis. I am going to give her $50." Very sweet, right? However, when Willard had his son a few years later, Frank said something to the effect "I'm going to give him $100 because he's a boy"! (Exclamation mark all mine)
Cass Family Picnic! (1950s) |
(Aged 14)
Wea. Clear WED. MARCH 25, 1896 Ther. 34
Went to school. Bought me a physiology traded my Geography + 15cents which pa gave me.
(Aged 16)
Wea. Sunny FRI. MARCH 25, 1898 Ther.
Went to school had examination in Physiology and Geography. In evening Clarence Cowan and his wife were down to hire some money.
(Aged 17)
Wea. SAT. MARCH 25, 1899 Ther.
I siruped (sic) off what was boiled down yesterday before breakfast. Pa went to the burg + brought me up a letter from Verna White. I went to Kennedy and got my boots fixed.
(Aged 18)
Wea. SUN. MARCH 25, 1900 Ther.
Stayed at home all day only took grandma over some sirup (sic). Pa, Ma, + Rollie went to S.S. at Ivory. In eve Alice and I took a ride got home at 11.30 had a fine time. Got a letter from Cassie Conners.
(Aged 19)
Wea. MON. MARCH 25, 1901 Ther.
(Aged 20)
Wea. TUE. MARCH 25, 1902 Ther.
Went to factory. Gail plowed, drew a load of sawdust and a load of manure.
(Aged 21)
Wea. WED. MARCH 25, 1903 Ther.
Editor's Note: Is hiring money a loan? I can't think of what else it could be.
Today is the birthday of our cousin Phyllis! The other day she told me a funny story of an entry in Frank Cass' journal from the year she was born. In effect it said "Rollie and Esther had a baby girl named Phyllis. I am going to give her $50." Very sweet, right? However, when Willard had his son a few years later, Frank said something to the effect "I'm going to give him $100 because he's a boy"! (Exclamation mark all mine)
Happy Birthday Cousin! Hope you have a lovely day.