"100 Years is Too Soon to Forget"

Front of postcard that was not actually used as a birthday greeting
Back of postcard from Luella Eccles to her Aunt Nora

To: Mrs. F.S. Cass
Frewsburg, NY  R.F.D. 84
postmarked Kennedy, NY November 29, 1912   5PM
upside down stamp (sent with love)

Kennedy, NY

Dear Aunt,
     Please make Grandma another Waiste just like the other one she likes it + wants another.  She thinks she will like it better than the dress she needs the waist anyway.


Editor's Note:  In trying to figure out what Grandma actually wanted Nora to make I turned to my friend, designer Jill Andrews who was more than happy to help with what she called my Fashion Forensics question.  Jill explained "a 'waist' would be referring to a shirtwaist (which is) a blouse usually with a collar and cuffs. They had a very smart, menswear inspired look with a bit of a puff sleeve".
Library of Congress

This postcard request came just a year and a half after the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire which happened 100 years ago today.  You can watch the PBS documentary "Triangle Fire" here.


  1. This is your cousin Patsy Eccles.. I just looked at my 1910 census data for Gilbert Eccles and it documents that Gilbert was living with wife, Mary M. (maybe the middle M. is for Mae). The children listed are daughter, Luella and all the boys of which the youngest, Gilbert (Jr.)was my grandfather. It also states that Dianthas Cass, his mother-in-law was living with them. So this is Luella writing to your relative asking for a Waiste for grandma Dianthas Cass... Let me know if you can not obtain the census page and I will e-mail you my copy. Love, your cousin!!


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