Another Photo Forensics: Can you identify this house?

A Day in the Life: March 2nd

(Aged 14)
Wea.  stormy                                 MON. MARCH 2, 1896               Ther.

Went to school.

(Aged 16)
Wea.  Snowy                                 WED. MARCH 2, 1898                Ther. 30

Went to school played football.  Pa went down to the burg + got a load of ice for the Fenton Creamery.  In evening Unkle Gib + Aunt May were down to tell us that six of the cows we had bot had come in.

(Aged 17)
Wea.                                              THUR. MARCH 2, 1899               Ther. 

Drove to school.  John Glaspy came up from school and is gong to stay all night with me.  We went over to Glendine Taylor’s to a surprise party on her had a fine time mostly with Clara Nordine.  Got home at 2.30 A.M.

(Aged 18)
Wea.                                              FRI. MARCH 2, 1900                    Ther.

Went to school.  In eve Gordon Taylor got his horse + Klock got Mrs Page’s and hitched them onto a three seated sled and went down to Jessie Herick’s had a fine time there was another load went down.  I took Bess Travers.  Klock =Rosa Howard; Taylor= Allene Davis.

(Aged 19)
Wea.                                              SAT. MARCH 2, 1901                  Ther.

Did chores and tinkered about the house.  Went over and got my pig and some things.  Drew his cows to the horse barn and went after a load of straw.
Battened up the farm.
Allen and Alice's two eldest children Willard and Dorothy facing into the sun.

(Aged 20)
Wea.                                              SUN.  MARCH 2, 1902                Ther.

Went to factory + done chores.  Gail went away.

(Aged 21)
Wea.                                              MON.  MARCH 2, 1903                Ther.

Took Alice’s mother + Pearl + Ruth to Jamestown.  John Smedley payed me $45 and I straightened everything up with the bank.


Editor's Note:  We don't know if this house is still standing nor if it is the one Allen refers to as Elm Wood.  The back of the photo says Ivory Street.  Does anyone recognize it or remember it if it is now gone?


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