Connecting the Dots
We all have a little part of us that wants to shake the
family tree and have a royal fall out.
Just for laughs of course since it’s clear we’re not in a line of
succession much less heir to a crumbling estate. We’d know by now thus making any royal of ours
either low in the birth order, or not power-hungry enough to have made a grab
for the throne.
Therefore, it is a dubious boast if you really think about
it and when you’re talking about 10 or more generations back, are those laurels
one should be resting on today? Such a
boast is really only of personal value since most people’s eyes glaze over when
we start spouting our genealogical discoveries anyway. Mostly our audience hears our enthusiasm and
appreciates that rather than our words. I’ve done it and so have you.

Out of interest, today I decided to continue going as far back as people
had collected information and found the name Blanche Plantagenet! Oh holy Toledo, this is it, I thought. For a dizzying moment or two I had myself
connected to John of Gaunt through his illegitimate daughter Blanche born when
he was just 19 and not yet married.
Blanche Plantagenet married Thomas Morieux and had a daughter Elizabeth
Morieux who it appeared married a Lucas. OMG I’m
related to my crush The Black Prince.
Hell, I’m related to the Beauforts ergo the Windsors! This is so cool, this is amazing, this is… a lie.
Piggy backing is a lovely way to get somewhere fast but make
damn sure the back you're on is strong enough to take the weight of
scrutiny. So many Lucas trees joyfully
connect our family to John of Gaunt through Blanche however, sometimes it’s his
daughter, sometimes it’s through his wife Blanche of Lancaster, and sometimes it’s
through Blanche Plantagenet of unknown origins.
I couldn’t sort it no matter how I came at it but I finally had to
conclude that my Elizabeth Morieux could not be Blanche’s because my Elizabeth
Morieux would have to have been born before her mother.
People wanted the bragging to rights to John of Gaunt so badly that they
claimed him again and again without actually seeing math and logic prevented it
from being so. Why do we want such
connections anyway? I clearly wanted it when I thought I had it but I never
liked John of Gaunt from what I’ve read so I don’t get it. Good miss, if you ask me.
The upshot is I’m as far back as I’m going for now becasuse
I won’t claim that which is not mine. It’s
lying to yourself. Even if the knighthoods stopped rolling in and our innate commonness
eventually swamped the titled connections and sons and daughters emigrated to change their fortunes, I’m still standing on the shoulders
of giants.
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