Reader Beware: Dora's Demise is Graphically Reported

I love odd them even when I realize the coincidence after the fact and even if, as in this case, it is rather grisly.  Yesterday I received some new old photos to treasure from my uncle of family members I only knew by name--never in person.  These folks are from my maternal grandfather's side.

My G-grandfather is second from the left and was married to Rhuma Gregory.  Fanny was the only girl in the family of boys and lived to be 100.  My mother said it was probably because she never married.  I remember going to her birthday party as a kid.  She had been a hairdresser and responsible for many a frizzy do my mom and my aunt sported as kids.

However, the coincidence comes from my Gregory side.  The Gregorys were a family of 5 daughters two of which drew the short straw when it came to names.  You can decide who I mean out of this list: Rhuma; Orpha; Dora; Sybil; Marietta.  Rhuma was my great grandmother and I don't think that name has survived into the current generation.  Orpha and Rhuma married two of the brothers pictured above but it was Dora who married first out of the Gregory girls and had a daughter right away.  She was then widowed, remarried and had three more children.  After I got the two pictures yesterday I was speaking with Diana about them and what snippets of family history we knew.  We both remembered hearing "one of the sisters was run over by a buggy".  Well, Diana was sure she was hit by a train but I thought she went under the wheels of a carriage.  So I did a little research and found out we were both right in a way. 

So what's the grisly coincidence?  We thought of this sister, who turned out to have been Dora, yesterday, April 22nd which was the 82nd anniversary of the incident.  Here's the tragedy as reported:


Mrs. Dora Glass Drives Horse on Tracks in Front of Locomotive and Body is Badly Mangled.

Mrs. Dora Glass, 48, town of Rutland, mother of three children, met almost Instant death last Thursday afternoon at 3:45 when the buggy In which she was riding was struck on the grade crossing between Felts Mills and Great Bend by a shifting engine, composed of a locomotive and five freight, cars.

The woman's body was badly mangled, the buggy was wrecked. The horse escaped with a cut foot. The wheels of the engine and two freight cars passed over parts of the woman's body.

Mrs. Glass was on the way to her home, three miles away, having been to Great Bend. The top of the buggy was up, while the curtains were drawn. The engine, with the cars attached on the front end, was backing down the track in the same direction that the woman was driving. The road and tracks are almost parallel at the crossing.
The fireman testified at the inquest held by District Attorney E. R. Wllcox shortly after1 the accident, that he saw the woman nearing the grade crossing, but that the horse stopped as the train was approaching. Then suddenly he saw the  horse start up again, and he shouted to the engineer to apply the brakes. The vehicle was but several yards away. The brakes were set, but too late. The rear end of the locomotive hit the buggy at the driver's seat.

The buggy was demolished and the horse broke away. The woman dropped to the tracks. Whew the train was brought to a stop, she was found caught on brake rods on the third freight car. The train crew testified that the engine was going between 10 and 12 miles at the time of the accident.

Mrs. Glass had been, married twice. Her first husband was Rev. Mr. Hubbard, who was at one time pastor of a church at Champion. He died a number of years ago, and later Mrs. Hubbard was married to Arthur C. Glass, of the town of Rutland. Most of her life was spent in the towns of Champion and Rutland. She was born in the town of Champion, daughter of the late Elnathan Gregory and Mrs. Elizabeth Gregory.

She is survived by her husband; a daughter, Miss Ruth Hubbard, of Pulaski and three sons, Harold, Louis and Howard Glass, of Black River; by her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Gregory, of Black River; three sisters, Mrs. Harlow Nye and Miss Sybil Gregory, of Black River, and Mrs. Brayton Nye. of Syracuse.



  1. Yeah, that IS weird that we thought of Dora (not such a great explorer) on the day of her awful death. It is NOT weird that I remembered correctly that a horse and a train were involved. Mom always said that she had an aunt who died crossing a train track in her buggy. What I am surprised about is how late in the century it happened. I always pictured it around 1888ish. Interesting to realize that most people were still in the horse and buggy in 1928. It is a breath of fresh air to start finding out about these folks since we know so much about the Cass side of the family. On a side note: I absolutely remember Great Aunt Fanny's 100th birthday party. It was in 1977. We all drove due north to see her. Uncle Andy brought his camera. He must have a photo. Also, she lived to a 102 and passed away in 1979. I think much to everyone's surprise as we didn't mark the 101st or 102nd birthdays. Mom inherited $500 from Aunt Fanny and in true Lucas fashion one of our cats became deathly ill and mom had to spend it all trying to first save him and then putting him down. She also inherited Aunt Fanny's mink stole and matching pill box hat. I have the stole now. Ditto the hat although I am not sure where it is. Perhaps it is out there in the universe keeping company with Jackie O's pink pill box hat from the nasty day in Dallas. No one knows where that went to either. Thanks for cracking open the Nye family album Jenny. I hope there is much more to follow.

  2. WOW, I cannot believe I found this amazing page. These stories are about Aunt's in law I never knew. My mother was one of Theron Gilbert Nye's brood and I have never met our upstate NY kin. Thanks so much for sharing these tales. I could read such all day. Your blog is gorgeous and well done!

  3. Ps, my grandpa Nye must have picked up his fondness for the name Rhuma somewhere cause he named one of my aunt's "Rhuma"...sadly she goes by Randi. (I love her, but the name Rhuma is more interesting I'm afraid)

  4. Hi Susan: WOW! So exciting to find some Nye relatives. Where are you from?

  5. Susan, Thank you for saying hello! I'm glad you found us too. So Theron would have been your grandfather and first cousin to our grandfather Carl Nye. Where did Theron go that you don't know the upstate relatives?

    you can e-mail me directly at if you prefer.

    I look forward to hearing from you.--Jennifer

  6. Hi Jennifer,
    Just now returning to your page. Will write you privately this week, so keep an eye on your spam filter (-:

  7. Hi Diana,
    I'll write Jennifer more Tuesday in detail as I am just now getting back to this page. Nice to "meet you" too. I was raised in MD, am a bit older than you two, I just turned 50. My mother spent a fair bit of time upstate at her Nye Grandparents home. I left the east coast back in 2000, first for Scotland and then for Kentucky, Idaho and now San Francisco. I've always wanted to visit the upstate area and see the gravestones and land my people come from but as yet haven't been able to, all the time I do spend back east is spent visiting my daughter and grandbabies. I am a huge genealogy buff so I of course love what ya'll have done with your site. I have copies, as I am sure you do as well, of Abner Faye's notes for the Nye society, which are a treat to read...ok, I'm rambling I right thinking you and Jennifer are sisters? If so she can forward you whatever I write her. TTFN, Susan

  8. Oh Susan, it is later than you think. Diana and I are indeed sisters but we're both on your side of 45. Not 50-- but very nearly. We actually do not have Abner Faye's notes. Our main information is from our Cass side so we'd love anything we could glean from the Nye's. Can you tell us where to get one?


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