The Amusements of Celeron
A Day in the Life: July 3rd
(Aged 14)
Wea. FRI. JULY 3, 1896 Ther.
Pa, Geo + I all went to the burg in the evening. Mr. Duran came up + insured the barn.
(Aged 16)
Wea. SUN. JULY 3, 1898 Ther.
Went to factory then went to bed + slept all day.
(Aged 17)
Wea. MON. JULY 3, 1899 Ther.
Worked all day. Drew in one load of hay. In eve went in swimming and also went up to get Mattie Cowan to go to Celeron (sic) with me tomorrow. She is going.
(Aged 18)
Wea. TUE. JULY 3, 1900 Ther.
Worked in A.M. In P.M. got Topsie shod and went over to Geo Peck’s and Geo. Hartson’s
(Aged 19)
Wea. WED. JULY 3, 1901 Ther.
Hayed it at pa’s.
(Aged 20)
Wea. THU. JULY 3, 1902 Ther.
We all went up to see Buffalo Bill’s show. Left Willard with Ma. Ruth went with us. Earle Towns + wife came home with us. Gail was married stayed here all night.
(Aged 21)
Wea. FRI. JULY 3, 1903 Ther.
Editor's Note: How funny that Buffalo Bill got top billing in the list of the days' events when Allen's farmhand/ friend Gail got married as well and spent his first night of wedded bliss at their house with them. I hope Gail didn't catch the show too--priorities and all.
I miss the bygone era of amusement parks on lake fronts. Onondaga lake had one about this era as well. Imagine everyone dressed up to be seen. No shorts, tank tops or sandals but long sleeves, skirts and trousers in 90 degree heat. Too many larger attractions these days and airplanes make the big world smaller but still shout out to Midway!
(Aged 14)
Wea. FRI. JULY 3, 1896 Ther.
Pa, Geo + I all went to the burg in the evening. Mr. Duran came up + insured the barn.
(Aged 16)
Wea. SUN. JULY 3, 1898 Ther.
Went to factory then went to bed + slept all day.
(Aged 17)
Wea. MON. JULY 3, 1899 Ther.
Worked all day. Drew in one load of hay. In eve went in swimming and also went up to get Mattie Cowan to go to Celeron (sic) with me tomorrow. She is going.
Old Celeron, NY postcard for sale here. |
(Aged 18)
Wea. TUE. JULY 3, 1900 Ther.
Worked in A.M. In P.M. got Topsie shod and went over to Geo Peck’s and Geo. Hartson’s
(Aged 19)
Wea. WED. JULY 3, 1901 Ther.
Hayed it at pa’s.
(Aged 20)
Wea. THU. JULY 3, 1902 Ther.
We all went up to see Buffalo Bill’s show. Left Willard with Ma. Ruth went with us. Earle Towns + wife came home with us. Gail was married stayed here all night.
(Aged 21)
Wea. FRI. JULY 3, 1903 Ther.
Editor's Note: How funny that Buffalo Bill got top billing in the list of the days' events when Allen's farmhand/ friend Gail got married as well and spent his first night of wedded bliss at their house with them. I hope Gail didn't catch the show too--priorities and all.
I miss the bygone era of amusement parks on lake fronts. Onondaga lake had one about this era as well. Imagine everyone dressed up to be seen. No shorts, tank tops or sandals but long sleeves, skirts and trousers in 90 degree heat. Too many larger attractions these days and airplanes make the big world smaller but still shout out to Midway!
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